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Proudly Serving Atlanta, GA
BalanceDiet™ utilizes a transformation approach with clients, and engages them with an aspirational process, resulting in enhanced self-esteem and longer retention cycles. Backed by science and a proven weight-loss methodology, BalanceDiet™ is a simpler, healthier way of life, and a proven, safe way to lose weight and build self-esteem.
BalanceDiet™ programs promote "transformation" rather than simply weight loss, and differs from many other diet providers in several important ways:
• A balanced approach- we promote all around balance of great food choices, healthy activities, and expert tips.
• Award-winning supplements and products- maximize and maintain your results with our highly effective natural and medical grade supplements.
• Focusing on transformation- address body, mind and spirit, rather than just weight loss.
• Powerful coaching- goal setting to reduce and maintain healthy weight.`
• Safe weight loss- uses a healthy, common sense approach to eating, allowing for maximum sustained results.
Studies show that combined approaches (a combination of healthy diet, active living, and nutritional supplements) are by far more effective in weight reduction, overall satisfaction, and long term success. BalanceDiet™ offers many products and services which fit this profile.
Slim Start Programs include:
Personalized nutrition plan
Grocery shopping guide & useful tools
Starter pack of supplements and snacks
Weekly private coaching session
Weekly thinspa® infrared sauna session
BalanceD™ Training fitness assessment
BalanceDiet™ Insider membership
Unlimited motivation, encouragement and support!
*Upon completion, maintenance options are available
Results Guaranteed Weight Loss Programs include:
Personalized nutrition plan
Grocery shopping guide & useful tools
Supplement Packages and variety of snacks
Weekly private coaching session
Two weekly thinspa® infrared sessions
thinspa® soft tissue consultation
BalanceD™ Training fitness assessment
BalanceDiet™ Insider membership
Unlimited motivation, encouragement and support!
Did you know that genes play an important role in maintaining a healthy body weight? Studies show that 20%-70% of weight differences among individuals, more than 60% of differences during middle age weight gain, are strongly influenced by common genetic differences. So, it makes sense that you are far more likely to lose weight and keep it off when a diet is matched to your genes.
Purchase our exclusive BalanceDiet™ GENETIC TESTING PROGRAM and find out what your genetic makeup (Your Diet ID) is: Fat Trimmer, Carb Reducer, or Better Balancer. In addition, you will receive a BalanceDiet™ optGen™ NUTRITION PLAN with weight loss and exercise recommendations that are specific to your personal genotype.
Your recommended dietary approach is not a “diet” in the traditional sense. It is a scientifically sound, lifelong way of eating that is designed to promote optimum health and successful weight management. Studies show that you can lose 2.5x more weight with our exclusive Genetic Testing Program.
Program also includes One Month BalanceDiet™ Insider Membership.
To counter the growing epidemic of overweight children and teens, BalanceDiet™ Company now offers Camp BalanceDiet™, a childhood and teen weight loss and healthy lifestyle program. The American Heart Association reports that approximately one-third of American children and teens are overweight or obese – nearly triple the rate in 1963 – and warns that these youths have a 70% to 80% chance of remaining overweight their entire lives.
Camp BalanceDiet is focused on helping children, preteens, and teenagers develop healthy nutritional choices and lifestyle habits, while avoiding the potential consequences associated with excess weight. According to the American Heart Association, the obesity epidemic has resulted in children and teens experiencing health issues that were previously considered adult concerns – such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and elevated blood cholesterol levels – as well as adverse social and psychological effects, including low self-esteem, negative body image, and depression.
The Camp BalanceDiet program is founded upon three success factors: healthy nutrition, physical activity, and a positive mindset. Children and teens are given a “traffic-light” food selection roadmap to follow, which helps them make the right nutritional choices. The color-coded guide encourages kids to enjoy an unlimited amount of “green” foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, while limiting their intake of “yellow” foods, such as proteins, starches, dairy, and healthy fats. Fast food, desserts, and other items in the “red” category are restricted to three servings per week. BalanceDiet also offers Metabolic Nutritional Supplements (MNS) – which are available as bars, soups, shakes, puddings, and drinks – to help curb hunger. Participants are advised to keep a food journal, which helps them and their coaches track their progress.